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I have no idea what happened here. Maybe a draft cause the water too move. I find that hard to believe as the door was closed when I discovered it.
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Divine proof you are king
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I first think it is time for the King to to get some new ice cube trays. Have you ruled out any type of hair? If you have, it must be some sort of pressure irregularity in the time/space continume of your freezer. This could be very dangerous, I would call a professional. Reply : But I like those trays
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Did you have any sexy pictures of ice in your freezer? Looks like a common bonesicle to me. Reply: Now that is a Royal answer if I ever heard one! LOL
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Dragon Systems injected a solution in your ice to stop you from farting. the needle was left behind
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you are wierd. when something freezes it stays that way.
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Actually it is not that uncommon of an event. Each cube tray is surroundeded by cold air from above and beneath, which causes the ice to form around the pereimeter of the cube. As the water goes from liquid to a solid form it expands forcing the water in the middle through the thinnest layer of ice (heat rises)at the top from there capillary action takes over the outer layer solidifies, the core remains liquid and continues to rise. It is a sort of cold volcano, only water spurts out instead of magma.
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I, personally, favor the neutrino theory. Sophie and Molly disagree. They think Tigger did it.
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Obviously, that which was once a liquid in the ice tray, which appears frozen is probably asyrupy solution. Perhaps a super saturated mix of sugat and water or some other substance which would thicken the constitution of the solution. Perhaps a finger or other probing object was inserted into the solution and withdrawn at the precise angle pictured, which froze quickly or hardened dude to a reduction in temperature. Apparently the rest of the frozen structure was broken off, the which was connected to the probing object, leaving the "spike"-like object remaining. Very interesting photo, also to be noted is the uneven surface texture of the "ice cube" upon which the spike is protruding...hmmm.
Response: What at first appears obvious, is often not. The ice cube is still in my freezer. It is a regular ice cube, and was not fooled with in any way. This oddity is not man made. The ice tray was filled at about 9AM and by noon this appeared on its own. That needle of ice occurred by itself. I am not trying to fool anyone. The Queen is annoyed because I won't let her (or the servants) use the ice tray. I have left it in its natural state. Very weird, eh?
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the ice cube just jizzed!
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The Ice tray had another package sitting on it at an angle. The other package was moist, and the moistness collected on the lower edge, and ran towards the lowest corner. It bult up and froze there, notice the mound at the base of the needle. When the upper package was removed, the frozen run of ice on the lower edge od the package remained atteaced to the ice tray.
The first picture shows exactly how the cube tray was in the freezer. It was laying flat with nothing over it. That spire shot up sideways. Also the tip was as sharp as a needle.
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What you have i known as the "Holmesian Effect", normally reserved for limp flesh which is triggered into an erectile response to the sight, smell, thought, dream, wish of a scantilly clad femalia homosepian. It has been in noted in various scientific studies over the past millenium (being the past millenium to date, the articles began on July 27, 1000)that this strange phenomonon has been arched (as electrical arc would)into in-organic matter, not possessing a carbon chain had once been suspected of reason for the lack of the Holmesian Effect amongst inorganic matter, alas certain female scents have been shown to get "a rise" out of such matter. To the subject at hand it could be something as simple as a tasty chicken fillet, or a plump pork chop laying beside your ice tray which could cause such an event.
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Moist air circulating in your freezer caused the ice to crystalize upward similar to the formation of a stalagtite.
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When freezing the emmens pressure caoused a small stream of watter to shoot out of a crack in the ice. Then, when this water was exposed to the cold air it froze in mid air. that is how it was formed
Dr. jamie jizzalot simba585@yahoo.com
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Ice Crystals, apparently you have hard water in your community and the minerals form crystals. Look at the rest of the cubes, they have a lot of white crystal formation in them. Now crystals do a lot of things that seem weird, one of which is this sort of formation. It is very rare that it rise to that height, but has been know to happen. The minerals in your hard water started making trianglar shape and then kept going as the water started to freeze the minerals wicked the moisture upwards even further. I also noticed the amount of accumulated frost on the sides of your freezer, evidence of the moist conditions of your freezer over time. There are sulfur caves like Lecha Geeya (sp?) that have similar formations that seemed mysterious to its early explorers as well. Solution, if you don't want freaky looking ice buy a better freezer, or buy a water filter and get the minerals out of your hard water.
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Ice that had formed at the top of the freezer had come ajar, it dropped into the ice cube tray during "hyper-cool", the nanosecond just before the ice tray "insta-freezed". the fallen ice fell into the cube, splashing and freezing mid splash. Thanks-you. weasel22@hotmail.com or visit http://www.hiredtokill.com (and fllow the directions).
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It was in the midst of spearing an insect when it refroze.
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what happened here is you have a mix of polluted water and some very pure water. The mixture is about 99 polluted-1 pure what happened is that the pure water was lighter than the polluted water and started stacking when it became frozen. It is a rare occurance but it is how nature purifies its own water.
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Yes, quite clearly, this is a case of 'what the fuck'
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We have the same problem periodically . . . no idea what causes it . . . was trying to find out and found your website . . . these things really do exist and are kinda freaky! :o)
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In my opinion, the above event was nothing more than a drop of water hitting the water that you placed in the tray. When water, or any liquid for that matter, freezes, it expands. You may have either left the door open long enough to cause the melting of some ice accumulated on the top of the freezer, or there may have been a crack in the material that seals the door, causing it to drip down and splash water on the side of the tray. Water also has a property called cohesion. What happens is, the water is attracted to other accumulations of water near it, and thus, when expanding, will attach, forming you "paranormal" event.
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This phenomena is caused by a very small alien that live inside of your freezer... He eats frozen stuff and plays with your thing in there... you never happened to find one of your bag opened or slighty slided ? Many peple have an alien inside their Freezer.. SOmetimes stuff even dissapears ! THat's because those aliens are traders, so you may look inside the freezer of the neigboor, you would more liely finding it teher ! Take your responsablitly, and start talking with your freezer's alien, especially at night. Tell him to show himself, if he don't just put milk in it, it will kill him when he will try to eat it. That was a message from the deeply retarded prince of the meaningless despair of this planet... We are turning, but it seems some people gets dizzy.
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This phenomena is caused by a very small alien that live inside of your freezer... He eats frozen stuff and plays with your thing in there... you never happened to find one of your bag opened or slighty slided ? Many peple have an alien inside their Freezer.. SOmetimes stuff even dissapears ! THat's because those aliens are traders, so you may look inside the freezer of the neigboor, you would more liely finding it teher ! Take your responsablitly, and start talking with your freezer's alien, especially at night. Tell him to show himself, if he don't just put milk in it, it will kill him when he will try to eat it. That was a message from the deeply retarded prince of the meaningless despair of this planet... We are turning, but it seems some people gets dizzy.
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Simple explanation. It never happened. It doesn't exist. And we definitely shouldn't spend any more money investigating the phenomenon. (Signed, Senator Proxmeyer)
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I firmly believe that this happened exactly as you describe, as it happens to me all the time. I was looking for an explanation when I ran across the site (thanks, Google!). I'm gonna side with the people who believe that it's caused by the ice freezing from the outside inwards and expanding as it does so. Even if that's not the real explanation, it works for me.
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u r gay
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I just had this happen to me but to 6 cubes at the same time and the biggest is 3&1/4 inches long! I have the same type of ice cube tray and am using distilled water (there goes the mineral in the water theory). I think the "water expanding up a crack theory works for me". Oh, and one more thing, friends don't let friends drink starbucks.
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i think your ice is horny...literaly
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It looks to me as if the ice wanted some starbucks, as seen behind the tray. A small bit of ice unfroze and began its lengthy trek to the box, when it suddenly realized that it really wasn't animate or capable of free thought, so the water instantly froze again.
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You may have filled you ice cube tray up with water which had a tiny compliment of liquid polymer.
Polymers are a type of molecule that are incredibly long, rather than being large and complex like carbon molecules in diamond, they are a simple arrangement of atoms repeated thousands or millions of times over in a long chain. Crude Oil contains many liquid polymers such as parafin, petrol, etc etc.
It is quite conceivable that a single, small and perfectly harmless liquid polymer came out of your kitchen tap into the ice tray and when the temperature dropped it began to unravel itself and become straight. Since the water around it was begining to thicken as it froze, one end of the polymer may have anchored itself to the bottom layer of ice and the other end rose up out of the tray.
Since the strand was covered a little water (not too much or it would've been too heavy) this may have frozen to, with extra water being drawn up the stalagmite as it become firmer for any number of reasons.
Such as: If any ionized water molecules were in the tray (very common but harmless and difficult to spot) they may have been attracted to the electrical wiring in your fridge and used the strand as a means of climbing upwards closer to the electric field that it was attracted to.
This would account for the thickness of what you found as a frozen polymer string is microscopic. You could have snapped it or as you open the fridge door, it is literally that thin and weak. But water may be drawn up along it and increase the frozen mass and thus it's strength also.
Happy with that explaination your highness? Reply to Leyton Jay, leyton_jay@hotmail.com
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I treid every combination of pressing the backspace and holding it and my ice is just like it always was.
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Your ice trays are possesed and slowly growing digitls and will soon attack you in the night
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Your ice trays are possesed and slowly growing digitls and will soon attack you in the night
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You can say that again!
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dude, somebody stuck an icicle into the ice cube while it was water, it melted a little, becoming thin.. it happened in the wintertime didn't it? um... someone also could have stuck an icicle with a broader base.. as yours has.. onto an existing ice cube in the tray.. it would bond, and stick there. for the fluid look, you could let it sit in room temperature for a few minutes.. then.. put it back into the freezer.. nice trick though.
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Obviously when you filled the ice tray with water from the tap you happened to capture the world's strongest paramecium. Unfortunately he was not the most cold-tolerant paramecium and thus froze to death just short of freedom.
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i cant explain that..but thats freakin awesome!!
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in gameshow voice - "You're a fucknut!"
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How can you not understand that? I am a fifth grade science teacher and i understand that. Anyways you're stupid.
Sincerely, Joe Smith
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How to make more spikes? Maybe through this experiment we can feel something underlying it. I will do and tell you the results.
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Obviously, this was a male ice cube. Alone with a tray full of females. What did you think would happen?
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maybe its related to the piece of liver that crawls towards glasses of milk?
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You may have put your cat inside the freezer by accident where he could have started to drink from the ice tray, whereby creating this magnificent display of needle ice. Its very common in homes with cats.
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It appears as though the ice cube was formed by a quick freezing of a bursting bubble. I see nothing paranormal about this photo but I can understand why one might think it would be. This happens a lot in nature (I am a volcanologist and I see the same thing in lava flows every now and then). An air bubble was caught beneath the surface on the cube. The water bagan to freeze and perhaps you bumped your fridge, the ice shifted, or it cracked and the bubble exploded on the surface. Notice how fine the string is, this is because a small amount of water was expelled during the bursting of the buble and it was so cold it froze in mid air. You caught something very rare and neat to look at. COOL!
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You are a choad huffing homo. Good luck in life.
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Easy. It got hit by a stray gravitron. :)
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Magic. Duh.
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LOL thats a pretty funnie joke. Every one knows that the top of the ice froze. The pressure built up inside. The top busted. and water shot out and froze on site.
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I can't explain the ice oddity. But I've got them too--three so far. Not quite as thin as yours. Pictured on http://www.costumegoddess.com/iceoddity.htm
Some discussion on the Untne.com science forum about it. ~Dina
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To get the discussion at cafe Utne, go to http://cafe.utne.com/ and register (you have to provide a valid email address, but you don't have to provide any information that gives your real identity, although most people use their real names)
Then go to Science forum, find topic 69 on the list, and (once you're in the topic) type 136- into the box labelled "view postings". Or maybe this url will work:
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I can't explain it. However, I have noticed that in our freezer, at work, that they occur regularly as long as I fill the trays with bottled water. When my boss fills the trays, he uses tap water and they never form. We have had as many as 8 out of 12 of the cubes have growths. Interestingly, if I do not empty the trays, the growths lose their shape after about 24 hours, usually ending in only a small bump on the surface of the cube. Good luck finding an answer.
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a sudden shockwave caused by a giant monkydoom having sex with its german grandmother could have caused this all to common death ray which you see before you.
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or this happend; one chemichaly imbalanced day geof the expandable waiter comtemplatged stealing a fantastically greasy table because mrs geoff was goin to grow some sheep in a pot made of hard pure (andquite warm) black hardness. but in the shop geoff killed everyone and wasnt allowed to steal the table so he chewed his knees until a dwarf asked for them back and beat him with his fantasicall dead calf of danger untill his pubic hair became alive and attacked a local priest, which caused all the old people in the area to eat slate which had ben sharpend: the ice cube you see before you is the weee weee of geof, ugh! there now you know the truth oh great king of all stuff.
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it was obviously created by Fearsome ghost tadpoles. In a menacing attempt to take over the world. luckily you found it before it was put in to use....
... In reply to the MonkeyDoom comment. the thrashing about you mentioned could not have caused this. because the shere force of that event would have caused an inverted penut to go wild and smack bitches.
Regards, Gilbert Necular Physicist and ring master extrodinare
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Most ice cube trays produce a few spikes, but only if distilled water is used. Millions of people make ice cubes every day using ordinary tap water, and none see ice spikes.
To see why this is, consider the top of a growing ice spike. As the water freezes around the top of the tube, it leaves any impurities behind, since these do not become incorporated into the ice crystal lattice.
With tap water, impurities soon build up to such high levels at the tip of the spike that the water will no longer freeze.
In other words, any spike that starts forming from tap water will soon stall.
Indeed, ice cubes grown from tap water often have lumpy surfaces, which you might call short stubby ice spikes. But the impurities in tap water will prevent the formation of long thin ice spikes.
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Who the hell cares? It's not paranormal!! It's just a fucking weird ice cube!! My God man, a king should have better things to do with his time than take pictures of ice cubes.
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your ice gotta boner.
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when we close the door to the refrigerator and the freezer, A whole new world happens in there. If you pretend to walk away from the frige, and then very quietly get close enough to the door to listen you will hear a buzzing and a sort of electric sound. That's them. Aparently there was a party and things got out of hand. The ice thing, who knows everything? O and take the starbucks out of the freezer the oils will dry up in there.
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its because of gravitational lapses or holes caused by solar flares. pray that you dont get caught up in a twin jet nebula, that'll send ice cubes from your ass.
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you laid the tray upside down
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