Friedrich Air conditioners
This company produces the official A/C unit of My Royal domain. I purchased this unit 3 or 4 years ago. Since then it has cooled exceptionally well. Those who remember, Friedrich was in the shit house however, due to an electric switching problem. In all fairness I placed them in the shit house the same week that I first notified them of the problem. They didn't answer my email right away, so I banished them.
Well I'm not sure if they feared the wrath of the King, or were afraid of all the negative press they would receive from this very popular website, but this morning I received a new circuit board from them.
I would like to
point out that they did this years after my warrantee expired. (I doubt the weasels at
Dragon Systems inc. would act this way, they suck!) This act has caused me to realize that
a place of honor must be reserved for these folks, and I would encourage all loyal
subjects to strongly consider a Friedrich Air conditioners for their new unit.
Therefore by decree, I do hereby rescind my old ruling, realizing the error in my haste, and ask that all employees of Friedrich move out of those hot apartments above the pizzerias, dry cleaners etc. They should all hold their heads high - proud of the company they work for, expecting and deserving the utmost respect and courtesy from their peers.