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******Featured Pages!******
Dragon Systems sucks - let me tell you about it!
The Millennium - when will it end?
Which wipe works for you? - Reader Feedback "LOG YOUR VOTE!"
This is another frivolous lawsuit in our courts! Caveat Emptor
Get a Stock Quote, courtesy of Netscape and His Majesty!
sight has been visited
by at least Forty Five different countries!
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Dragon Systems sucks - let me tell you about it!
Maybe they should be:
Weasel Systems inc.
The new War on crime and The Wheel of Death If you like Cruel Things
The Shit-house (a place you don't want to be)
Certified Royal Products His Majesty's favorites!
NEW!! - A Laundromat Nightmare -NEW!! a short story by Kyle Tucker
If you have old Lottery tickets in N.Y., N.J., or CT., you may check them on the Royal Gaming Page!
The legend of the old Hermit - The Dailey Family Legend !
Visit the Virtual Kingdom!
The Evolution of "You'll poke your eye out" -gun control - the first step
The Front Bumper Theory - Gun control -- The next logical step!
How about Grandma's sausage bread recipe!!!!
The Hall of Horrors - new and improved
The Juicy Monica story -For anyone from Pluto!
I think these sites are Funny!!!
Visit LordCo --------
The Company God built!
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if you like lizards!!